Importing your Pet
It is fairly straightforward to import your pet into Malaysia, There are only a few Countries that allow your Pet to come in without Quarantine.
What your pet needs
Be older than 3 months
Have an iso compliant microchip
Vaccine record / pet passport
Veterinary Health Certificate issued by the Veterinary Authority of the exporting Country within 7 days of travel
Valid Import Permit
Relevant blood tests
Approval letter
Only dog and cats from the following Countries are exempt from quarantine;
United Kingdom, Eire, Northern Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand, Japan, Brunei and Singapore
As long as the animal health condition is good and all documents are complete
Breed Restrictions
Restricted Breeds;
Bull Mastiff
Bull Terrier
German Shepard / Alsation including Belgian Shepard and East European Shepard
Perro de Presa Canario (also known as Canary Dog)
Banned Breeds;
American Bulldog
Dogo Argentino
Fila Braziliero
Japanese Tosa
Neapolitan Mastiff
Pit Bull Terrier / Pit Bull (also known as American Pit Bull, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier)
Condition for the approval of importation of restricted breed of dogs;
(as per the MAQIS website)
An approval to import restricted breeds of dogs shall be obtained in writing from the Director General of Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services Department (MAQIS) subject to the following conditions, prior to application of an import permit ;
1. Dogs shall not be less than 3 months of age at the time of import.
2. Dogs shall have a pedigree certificate issued by an approved organization in the country of export (name and address of the organization shall be specified).
3. Dogs shall be identified using an ISO (Std 11784 & 11785) compliant microchip and the identification codes clearly recorded in the pedigree certificate.
4. Name and address of the importer who shall be responsible for the care and handling of the dog shall be clearly stated in the application for approval.
5. The premise or residence of the dog shall be inspected by the Director General of MAQIS to verify the facilities regarding kennel, the size of the compound, safety and control of the dog
6. The importer shall provide a written declaration that the dog ;
i. is a personal pet and not intended for sale (Importation of restricted breeds of dogs is allowed as a
personal pet of the importer or for security purpose only)
ii. shall be kept secured within the compound at all times
iii. shall be kept on a leash and muzzled at all times in public area iv. shall be under the control of a
trained and skilled handler at all times (for Security Dogs)
The Process
Planning the export
A quarantine booking is required in order to obtain an import permit. Where the country is an exempt country the booking is not required.
The quarantine booking must be made a minimum of 2 weeks ahead, longer if you want an air conditioned kennel.
The import permit can only be applied for by an agent, once you have the permit then you can import your pet, as long as you have the required paperwork from your country of origin.
Arrival is usually by air, either via cargo or via the terminal, depending on which way you bring your pet into Malaysia.
Cargo means that you need Customs clearance and need to pay the import GST. Terminal is usually a faster process.
Any animals not cleared in time to arrive at quarantine before 7pm must stay in the airport overnight. Plan your flight time accordingly. This time is NOT deducted from the time in quarantine.
What we can do
Quarantine booking
We can make the booking on your behalf, we can also arrange for the care of your pets while there are in quarantine and update you with photos
Import permit
We can obtain the import permit for you, even if you are coming from an exempt Country and just want to clear your pets in the terminal yourself
Cargo Clearance
The clearance can be done by us, we can pay the GST on your behalf
Delivery to quarantine
We can collect your pets and take them to quarantine
Home Delivery
After quarantine, or even direct from the Terminal (If no quarantine is required) we can take your pets to your home.
Meet and Greet
We can meet you at the airport and guide you through the process, help you with your pets
Onward travel
Are you heading to Johor / Langkawi or another place in Malaysia? We can help transport your pets onwards, they can complete quarantine and then we can drive them or put them on another flight to your destination
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